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Salt Soaks - 8 oz bag

Salt Soaks - 8 oz bag

8oz bag

Hand mixed salts and intentionally crafted blends, these salts would be a great addition to your next bath or shower. Use desired amount in bath or at the end of your shower for a relaxing aromatherapy foot soak.

  • Blend descriptions and Reported Benefits

    DREAM ⋅ Night Time Blend ⋅ Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Lavender Flowers, Lavender Essential Oil

    Epsom Salt | Relieves pain, eases cramping, lowers blood pressure, promotes cardiovascular health, secures cellular fluid retention, helps with gout, exfoliates the skin, treats sore feet, relieves constipation, helps with hemorrhoids

    Himalayan Salt | Relaxes and eases stress, detoxifies, adds beneficial minerals to your bath, eases pain, promotes healthy slumber, deep cleans, clears sinuses, relieves respiratory problems, and mitigates pain

    Dead Sea Salt | It moisturizes with magnesium, relieves pain, promotes relaxing, detoxifies, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

    Lavender Essential Oil & Dried Lavender Flowers | Relieve stress, improves mood, promotes restful sleep, lowers skin irritation, prevents infections, and reduces inflammation


    CONNECT ⋅ Love Blend ⋅ Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Rose Petals, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

    Epsom Salt | Relieves pain, eases cramping, lowers blood pressure, promotes cardiovascular health, secures cellular fluid retention, helps with gout, exfoliates the skin, treats sore feet, relieves constipation, helps with hemorrhoids

    Himalayan Salt | Relaxes and eases stress, detoxifies, adds beneficial minerals to your bath, eases pain, promotes healthy slumber, deep cleans, clears sinuses, relieves respiratory problems, and mitigates pain

    Dead Sea Salt | It moisturizes with magnesium, relieves pain, promotes relaxing, detoxifies, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

    Dried Rose Petals | Aids in relaxation, provides a mild sedative effect, antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, mild and gentle scent, symbolize love, passion, and respect

    Clary Sage Essential Oil | Anticonvulsive, antidepressant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Mood and confidence enhancing qualities, aids in relaxation, promotes hormone balance and stress relieving aromatics

    Ylang Ylang Essential Oil | Assist in emotion regulation, stress relieving properties, blood pressure regulation, increases sexual desire


    CLEANSE ⋅ Detoxifying Blend ⋅ Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Green Tea, Lavender Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil

    Epsom Salt | Relieves pain, eases cramping, lowers blood pressure, promotes cardiovascular health, secures cellular fluid retention, helps with gout, exfoliates the skin, treats sore feet, relieves constipation, helps with hemorrhoids

    Himalayan Salt | Relaxes and eases stress, detoxifies, adds beneficial minerals to your bath, eases pain, promotes healthy slumber, deep cleans, clears sinuses, relieves respiratory problems, and mitigates pain

    Dead Sea Salt | It moisturizes with magnesium, relieves pain, promotes relaxing, detoxifies, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

    Green Tea | Protects skin, detoxifying benefits, relieves stress, antioxidant properties, aids in relaxation

    Lavender Essential Oil | Relieves stress, improves mood, promotes restful sleep, lowers skin irritation, prevents infections, and reduces inflammation

    Eucalyptus Essential Oil | Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties, eases cold symptoms, relaxes muscles, relieves anxiety symptoms, uplifts mood, promotes wound healing, improves seasonal allergies


    PEACE ⋅ Calming Blend ⋅ Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Patchouli Essential Oil

    Epsom Salt | Relieves pain, eases cramping, lowers blood pressure, promotes cardiovascular health, secures cellular fluid retention, helps with gout, exfoliates the skin, treats sore feet, relieves constipation, helps with hemorrhoids

    Himalayan Salt | Relaxes and eases stress, detoxifies, adds beneficial minerals to your bath, eases pain, promotes healthy slumber, deep cleans, clears sinuses, relieves respiratory problems, and mitigates pain

    Dead Sea Salt | It moisturizes with magnesium, relieves pain, promotes relaxing, detoxifies, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

    Dried Chamomile Flowers | Acts as a powerful medicinal herb to help fight stress, assists with symptoms of anxiety & depression, induces relaxation and balances hormones.

    Lavender Essential Oil | Relieves stress, improves mood, promotes restful sleep, lowers skin irritation, prevents infections, and reduces inflammation

    Cedarwood Essential Oil | Serves as a natural antiseptic and can help prevent the development and growth of harmful microorganisms, has anti-inflammatory properties, and promotes a sense of calm and reduced stress

    Patchouli Essential Oil | Soothes and regenerates skin, reduces blemishes/scars, soothes inflammation, relieves stress, improves mental clarity


    EARTH ⋅ Grounding Blend ⋅ Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Rosemary, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Patchouli Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil

    Epsom Salt | Relieves pain, eases cramping, lowers blood pressure, promotes cardiovascular health, secures cellular fluid retention, helps with gout, exfoliates the skin, treats sore feet, relieves constipation, helps with hemorrhoids

    Himalayan Salt | Relaxes and eases stress, detoxifies, adds beneficial minerals to your bath, eases pain, promotes healthy slumber, deep cleans, clears sinuses, relieves respiratory problems, and mitigates pain

    Dead Sea Salt | It moisturizes with magnesium, relieves pain, promotes relaxing, detoxifies, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

    Cedarwood Essential Oil | Serves as a natural antiseptic and can help prevent the development and growth of harmful microorganisms, has anti-inflammatory properties, and promotes a sense of calm and reduced stress

    Patchouli Essential Oil | Soothes and regenerates skin, reduces blemishes/scars, soothes inflammation, relieves stress, improves mental clarity

    Eucalyptus Essential Oil | Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties, eases cold symptoms, relaxes muscles, relieves anxiety symptoms, uplifts mood, promotes wound healing, improves seasonal allergies

    Frankincense Essential Oil | Helps reduce stress reactions and negative emotions, immune-enhancing properties, heals and tones skin, may include reducing symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits


    *Course salt may take longer to dissolve but will in hot water in time. May also cause surfaces to be slippery; step with caution when using.

    It is recommended you use a drain screen to avoid drain clogging. You may also use a tea like strainer or mesh bag to disperse into the tub.

    Please consult a doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, have skin allergies or sensitive skin before using this product. Discontinue use if you have any skin reaction.

    *Course salt may take longer to dissolve but will in hot water in time. May also cause surfaces to be slippery; step with caution when using.

    It is recommended you use a drain screen to avoid drain clogging. You may also use a tea like strainer or mesh bag to disperse into the tub.

    Please consult a doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, have skin allergies or sensitive skin before using this product. Discontinue use if you have any skin reaction.

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